Thursday, September 28, 2017

Professional Learning: Reflect for Success

On November 4th, I'll join other MTA members and staff to welcome and learn with new teachers, teachers with five or less years of experience. I'll facilitate the "Reflect for Success" workshop. During the workshop, I'll do what I can to support new teachers use of reflection to forward their professional practice in meaningful ways.

First, we'll introduce ourselves, and then we'll do a "vote with your feet" related to a few basic reflection questions.

Next, we'll discuss our experiences with reflection including when you reflect, where, how often, and why?

After that we'll take a look at the rationale and benefits for reflection as well as a number of vehicles for reflection.

Then participants will choose a reflection venue, and then utilizing DESE's new draft rubric for the educational evaluation system, participants will choose a reflection exercise to try out.

Finally we'll share our next steps.