Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Silent Ones

Sometimes I wonder what the silent ones are thinking.

They rarely share their thoughts or ideas, plans or preparation.

They are quiet at meetings and events.

And they are rarely seen too.

They are the quiet ones in our midst.

There is a real value in silence and quiet, and when these people do speak, it's likely that people listen since many probably wonder what is behind their quiet exterior.

On the other hand, does the silence create a chasm of unknowing, unnecessary conjecture, and perhaps even fear if their positions are positions of power and authority.

I say it again and again, but one aspect of our state department of education that I like is their consistent pattern of good communication. This communication pattern helps me to do my work well all the time and I appreciate that.

Silence doesn't help me build, change, and deepen my ideas. Silence, in some ways, is inefficient and prompts lots of guessing rather than knowing.

I honor those amongst us who are willing to speak up, share their thinking, and converse--the people who are active, vocal parts of the team. I'm fortunate to have a collegial team that does speak up and share their ideas. This helps all of us develop as a good team and teachers.

Silence may be golden sometimes, but not all times.