Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Move Along Day 2014

Today is Move Along Day, a day when students meet next year's teacher(s). At first I will announce new teachers and assignments with my students. I'll make the announcement with positivity and cheer--the notion that this is the start of yet another wonderful adventure in learning and life. I know that children generally follow our lead so if we're positive and proactive, they will be too.

Then I'll move along too to the fifth grade assignment. First my new colleague and I will introduce the fifth grade structure of two teachers, one who mainly teaches English language arts and social studies, and the other who focused on science and math (that's me). My colleague will introduce her section of the program, and then I'll say a few words about my section. After that, my homeroom students and I will travel to our new classroom, one I will set up and organize at the end of August when summer cleaning and improvements are complete. There I'll tell students that I am there to take care of them and help them learn as much as possible in happy, successful ways next year. I'll also tell them about summer study choices and leave some time for questions.

There's likely to be a lot of emotion today as students meet this news with a range of feelings, hence I'll complement this event with peaceful, end-of-year classroom teaching and learning--the kind of work that leaves lots of time for talking, thinking, and responding with care and support.

I'm looking forward to meeting next year's students. I know their names. I've seen them in the hall, but this will be the first time I actually match name and face for many of them, and then, of course, there are those who will move along with me and spend a second year in my class. I owe those students an especially good year since I know them well and can plan for their needs and interests with care.

A positive, child-centered Move Along Day has the potential to teach children that change is often a positive event in life, one that leads to new adventure and learning especially when there is caring support and clear communication.  Onward.