Thursday, June 05, 2014

How Do You Contribute to Your Teaching/Learning Community?

Of late, I've been thinking about the contributions individuals make to the teaching/learning community.

I've been thinking of the community as a giant pie, and I've been wondering about the fractions of contribution versus the fraction of subtract or take--the pie you "eat."

Of course, in an ideal world, each individual's contributions is roughly equal to his/her take--the "give and take" of working well.

When you think about the organization you work for, whose contributions are the most valuable to you and your work, and what contributions may not serve you as well?  When you think of your own work, what contributions positively impact your organization, and what work or effort does not serve your organization as well?

The way we build, develop, and carry out our organization work provides a model to students--a model of what's possible when organizations work in dynamic, positive, forward moving ways.

I am thinking about contribution and take, and like most professionals, I want that just right balance.